We offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 6, 106 or somewhere in-between, the Cornwall Curling Club is sure to have a league suitable for you.
Senior Mens Social
Come and join the Senior Men’s Social League
- We are a group of about 90 curlers of all skill levels aged 50 to 90, who enjoy a social and friendly
atmosphere on and off the ice. - You must be 50 or older and be semi-retired or retired.
- Our league operates on Monday and Wednesday mornings with two draws which begin at 8:30 am.
- A new senior member will begin as a lead ( or other positions ) at the discretion of our rating committee.
Day Ladies
This league welcomes new and returning curlers into teams created by our draw coordinators. Teams compete in a round robin format in four draws over the course of the season with games played on Monday and Wednesday at 1:15 pm. Players are assigned a new team each draw to allow the player to meet and play with different ladies throughout the season.
At the beginning of each draw, we have a potluck social, and a afternoon banquet at the close of the season.
This social league is a great option for every curler, whether novice or experienced.
Tuesday Morning Senior Open Competitive
This fixed-team league is open to any curler male over the age of 50 or woman over the age of 45 with a paid full membership. Teams can have any combination of men or women in no particular order, with games starting at 9:30am. Fixed teams are established at the beginning of the season with new members added to fill any vacated positions.
Please note: players should indicate their Skip’s name on their application. Playoffs are at the end of the season, with the winning team becoming the Senior Fixed Open Competive Club Champion.
This will be the third season.
Sturling League Thursday Morning
This exciting new league has found a home on Thursday mornings beginning at 9:00 am. and a second draw beginning at 10:30 a.m. This two player teams challenges your skills in the house and throwing multiple rocks at different weights each end. There is no sweeping between hotlines. It prepares you to learn the skills of skip as well play multiple
positions. Whether you throw from the hack or use a stick, your enjoyment will be guaranteed.
- Two members on a team
- No sweeping between the hog lines
- Try playing against the front end of your competitive team
- A great practice for an evening game
- The duration of the game is one hour and 15 minutes
- Morning leagues are a great way to pass the winter.
Day Ladies - Draw 2
Day Ladies - Our Day Ladies league welcomes new and others to compete from 1:00 - 3:00 on Monday and Wednesday in a social league. Up to twelve teams compete in 4 draws in 8 end games. The convenors prepare the teams for each draw in the league and a suggested position for a round robin competition. This is an excellent league for new curlers to join.
Day Ladies - Draw 3
Day Ladies - Our Day Ladies league welcomes new and others to compete from 1:00 - 3:00 on Monday and Wednesday in a social league. Up to twelve teams compete in 4 draws in 8 end games. The convenors prepare the teams for each draw in the league and a suggested position for a round robin competition. This is an excellent league for new curlers to join.
Day Ladies - Draw 4
Day Ladies - Our Day Ladies league welcomes new and others to compete from 1:00 - 3:00 on Monday and Wednesday in a social league. Up to twelve teams compete in 4 draws in 8 end games. The convenors prepare the teams for each draw in the league and a suggested position for a round robin competition. This is an excellent league for new curlers to join.
Monday Night Social House League
This league welcomes any combination of youth, men, ladies or all men and all women teams to play in six-end games at 6pm and 8pm. A house league means that players register and are assigned teams created by the convenor. People may request to play with one other person. Some "set" teams are in the league but we are trying to phase this out. Individual players may also register and be added to teams created by the convenor. Requests to play as a team will be considered for one draw.
There are, typically, 4 draws of 5 to 6 games. After each draw teams changed. Players may drop out or join after each draw. This league is ideal for all curlers, including those who are new to the sport.
Tuesday Night Ladies
This is a ladies’ competitive league that is comprised of fixed teams. The teams compete in two divisions ( A & B ) and
the game times are at 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm. At the end of each draw, the two top teams from the B division move up to the A division and the two bottom teams in the A will move down to the B division.
There will be playoffs at the end of the season to determine the A and B Champions and the A champions will be the representative for the Curling Ontario Everest club champion curling event.
Wednesday Night Mens Competitive
This fixed-team competitive league sees teams competing in a draw at 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm. Fixed teams are established at the beginning of the season with new members added to fill any vacated positions.
Playoffs are at the end of the season, with the winning team becoming the Men’s Club Champion and represent the Cornwall Curling Centre.
Thursday Night Mixed Competitive
This league runs weekly with up to 24 teams playing in two draws per night at 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Each fixed team is
comprised of two males and two females with alternating positions. There are at least three draws a season.
Playoffs are to be played to determine the season champion.
Friday Night Mixed Social
Socializing, meeting new members and having fun defines this Friday night league! The social league with set teams begins at 6:15 and a second draw at 7:45. The league is mixed with combinations of
men and women. The draws are set teams organized by the convenor for each new draw. Teams can be comprised of any combination of women and men in any position. This league is ideal for all curlers including those who are new to the game.
Sunday Adult Under 7 (Years of Experience) League **New**
Friday Drop-In League
This league is one draw only at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Each game is between 4 & 6 ends. This league provides an option for those who wish, to drop in, play 6 ends and to join other players after the game in a home-cooked meal. The confirmation for the meal is done through the website and must be submitted by Wednesday evening.
Mixed Doubles Ladder Competition
This is a non-competitive league to introduce curlers to the rules and strategy of mixed doubles play. Teams of two are formed with one male and one female player. Deadlines are set for each round, with matches to be organized by teams during free ice time (typically on weekends).\
This ladder competition is a fun option for every level of curling.
Sunday Youth - U12
Our youth curling program aims to provide a safe and fun environment for interested youth aged 6-12. Participants will be instructed by certified Coaches following Curling Canada programming. Curlers will learn delivery, short game, teamwork, and positions of play, strategy, and curling etiquette. The season runs Sunday mornings from October to April. For more information on our Youth Curling Program email: [email protected]
Sunday Youth - U18
Our youth curling program aims to provide a safe and fun environment for interested youth aged 13-18. Participants will be instructed by certified Coaches following Curling Canada programming. Curlers will learn delivery, short game, teamwork, and positions of play, strategy, and curling etiquette. The season runs Sunday mornings from October to April. For more information on our Youth Curling Program email: [email protected]
Learn To Curl
This is a 8 week Learn to Curl program which begins Sunday October 6 to December 22, 2024. The instruction is not on
consecutive Sundays but the days will be provided to you. The number of participants may determine that two groups will receive instruction: group 1 - 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. and the second group from 1:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
This program welcomes non curlers who are interested in learning the fundamentals of the sport. Entry level curlers get progressively better through continued weekly instruction. All aspects of the game are covered from delivery, short game, positions of play, strategies and curling etiquette. More details regarding the dates will be posted on the website.