The following membership types are available at the Cornwall Curling Club.
LTC - Upgrade to New Member
Annual Fee: $375.00This membership type is only available to members who participated in the
Learn to Curl program and wish to upgrade their memberships to a regular membership for the second half of the season.
The cost to upgrade the membership is $254.25 (regular new member membership + fees and taxes minus the learn to curl fee $214.70 already paid).
Half Year Membership
Annual Fee: $305.00This Adult Membership offers you the opportunity to curl as often as you like in the First or Second Half of the Curling Season:
- The first half of the season runs from October through to the end of
December or the end of the curling draw in early January. - Any person wishing to play beyond or before this division in the curling year must pay a full membership.
- If a person plays the first half-year and then decides to play the remainder of the year, he or she will pay another half-year membership.
Total Cost: $389.85
($305.00 Membership Fee + $25.00 Capital Reserve Fee + $15
CurlOn/CCA/OVCA Fees + $44.85 HST)
New Member
Annual Fee: $375.00Any person who is a first time member of the Cornwall Curling Centre
(whether you are a first time curler or if you have previous curling experience
at a different club).
Total Cost: $468.95
($375.00 Membership fee + $25.00 Capital Reserve Fee + $15
CurlOn/CCA/OVCA Fees + $53.95 HST)
Learn to Curl
Annual Fee: $190.00This membership type is only available to members who participate in the
Learn to Curl program. Once the Learn to Curl Program is completed, if the
participant would like to join the club for the second half of the season, this
portion will go towards a new member fee.
Total Cost: $214.70
($190.00 Membership Fees + $24.70 HST)
Participants who choose to join for the remainder of the curling season will pay
the difference of a New Member Membership ($468.95 - $214.70 (already
paid) = $227.25).
Annual Fee: $140.00Two Youth Membership categories are offered in the Cornwall Curling Centre
Youth Membership category:
- U12 (6 to 12 years of age)
- U18 (13 years of age and older)
The U12 is aimed at inexperienced youth curlers with emphasis on learning
the basics of curling. Both little rocks and normal granite curling stones may
be used depending on size and strength of the child.
The U18 is aimed at more experienced youth curlers and will be part
instructional with an emphasis on game play. Only regular rocks will be used in the U18 league.
Age is recognized as of December 31 each year. Proof of age may be
requested by the League Convener before your child participates in youth
A youth Member is a non voting member of the club.
**Youth Members may only participate in the Sunday morning Youth League.
Total Cost: $175.15 per child for Sunday curling whether the child enrolls in
the U12 or U18 leagues.
($140.00 Registrant Fee + $15 CurlOn/CCA/OVCA Fees + $20.15 HST)
Annual Fee: $205.00This membership is offered to any full-time students age of 18 - 25 and
any youth curler who will curl in adult leagues.
The Student Membership offers you the opportunity to curl as often as you
like every week throughout the season. There is no limit to the number of
leagues that you can join.
The Student Membership does not give you any voting rights within the club.
Total Cost: $248.60
($205.00 Registrant Fee + $15 CurlOn/CCA/OVCA Fees + $28.60 HST)
Club Social Fee
Annual Fee: $50.00A Social Membership is not entitled to play in any league games but may play in two bonspiels.
A social Member is a non voting member of the club.
Total Cost: $56.50
($50.00 Membership Fee + $6.50 HST).
Competitive Out of Town Social
Annual Fee: $50.00 per person or $100 for a team
A Competitive Out of Town Social Membership is not entitled to play in any league games. This is use for an out of town team to compete under the Cornwall Curling Club name.
A Competitive Out of Town Social Member is a non voting member of the club.
Total Cost: $56.50 per person or $113.00 per team
($50.00 Membership Fee + $6.50 HST per person) or ($100.00 Membership Fee + $13 HST per team)
Practice Ice Only Social
Annual Fee: $200.00A Practice Ice Only Social Membership is not entitled to play in any league games but may play in two bonspiels. They are also entilted to all Practice Ice days.
A Practice Ice Only Social Member is a non voting member of the club.
Total Cost: $226.00
($200.00 Membership Fee + $26.00 HST).
Non Member Spare fee
Annual Fee: $20.00A Spare is eligible to spare for a maximum of 5 games. These fees can be applied to a full membership if the participant wishes to join in the current season,
Total Cost: $20.00 + HST = $22.60 per game
Honorary Membership
Honorary Members – persons who have rendered special services to the Club
or to curling interests in general. An Honorary Member must be elected by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members present at an AGM.
Honorary members are entitled to all the membership privileges of the Club and only
pay: ($15.00 CurlOn/CCA/OVCA Fees + $25.00 Capital Reserve Fee + $5.20
Total Cost: $45.20
Additional Locker Rentals fees ($33.90 if requested).